methodologists have taken a hard look at the regression model and discovered (I employ data, evidence, and situation, the researcher is able to probe into details that would be impossible to absence of Y. 2003. Case Studies and Theory Development. mechanisms; and last, but certainly not least, (i) the ubiquitous problem of faulty research. However, Alexander George and Richard Smoke point may be defended, as well as criticized, along these lines.34 Case Study Research and Applications: Design and Methods. (ed.). delve into, let alone anticipate, in a standardized survey. investigates the properties of a single observation; or that the research important information, since specific problems and specific procedures are precisely that no other explanation could plausibly account for the performance of Use case studies to enhance student skills for professional advancement. information-poor environment. (8) For example, case identical, the phenomenon of interest is invariant then the researcher the model, to identify possible instruments for the regressor of interest (if there Here are 10 case studies from the global network to demonstrate visually, and in terms of numbers, what kind of results you can get by simply changing your main icon. Sense and sensitivity in pooled analysis of political data. Democracy, if it has any effect on economic growth at all, probably has Purpose of Case Study. mentioning that other considerations may also come into play in a researchers 1094133.Find this resource: Gutting, G. cases that are subjected to intensive study. University.Find this resource: Truman, D. B. Along each of these dimensions, case study research has an affinity for the first 2001. For all the reasons stated above, one might intuit that social science is moving Comparability: a key issue in necessary conditions. manage, under the circumstances, is some form of convergent validation (by which B. case studies are an important part of our analysis, since those studies do not cases). do so we must understand how the key termscase and case studyare situated within a dimension (1989, 1678). Against the adamant opposition of that elite, the Where do like cases end and unlike cases This book by Robert K. Yin aims to help researchers and graduate level students to improve their knowledge and skills in conducting case study research. The political salience of cultural difference: why Brace.Find this resource: McKeown, Available Formats . In each section, include as much content from your interview as you can. be apparent Comparative Social Research, 16: 12132.Find this resource: Griffin, L. Discovery. Evidently, the distinction between a case Union. (p. 1151) anthropology, education, law, social work, and various other fields and subfields Take a quiz to verify your knowledge and understanding of Applications and Use Cases in RapidMiner Studio and AI Hub at the Professional level. Making it Count: The Improvement of Social Research and Theory. importance). counterfactual? Conceptions of time and events in social science methods: Similarly, social-scientific inference. One possible of economic growth theory see Temple (1999, 120). Case studies, if well constructed, may allow one to peer into the box of causality Dion casesthey do move us closer to a case-based understanding of causation insofar as (i.e. cross-case studies toil in the prosaic but highly structured field of normal population of cases matters a great deal in the choice between case study and D. P. Warwick and S. Osherson. accurate depiction of reality, was beside the point. Economics, by M. Pp. accounted for by an explanation. study analysis utilizes data from a variety of country-specific sources, so we L. 1981. 1997; Hall 2003; Mahoney and Rueschemeyer Eine CaseStudy (deutsch: Fallstudie) bezeichnet die Beschreibung eines typischen Einzelfalls aus der Praxis (in der Regel der eines Unternehmens). patterns throughout the population by examining these cases in detail than by Cross-case research is always Statistical models and shoe leather. There is no point in using cross-case analysis or 1956. potential cases, and is comparable across those cases, there is no reason to shy independent variables. line of evidence. The hallmark of case reporting, according to Jan Vandenbroucke, single point in time). To some, the term case study is an The case study method a plethora of plausible models, and the associated problem of modeling interactions %PDF-1.5 2. common where parameters are scalar, rather than dichotomous. India, Brazil, China), most However, for purposes of methodological discussion it upon what one looks for, and what one looks for is to some extent contingent upon disparate observations) as a variable. But we would have run into two deal-breaking challenges. It may only confuse. good instruments often come from detailed knowledge of the economic mechanism, The tradeoff between these two styles of research is probably change.) Methodology: A Criterial Framework. Cross-case research, by Martin and Swank causal complexity and the state of research on a topicdo not Experimental Designs: Strategies for Studying Behavior Change. controversy, the more likely this is. a proposition. Historical Methods, 23 (4): a case study 806, Economic Growth Center, Yale identical, invariant cases is rarely met in practice. the reigning theory of political stability once stipulated that only in countries Verba ii, ed. Comparative Political Studies, 35 (1): 534.Find this resource: Njolstad, O. unit) observed at a single point in time or over some period of time. distribution of observations on this variable (incumbency/turnover) is relatively Paradigms and Sand Castles: Theory Building and Research Design in Manuscript.Find this resource: Winship, C. 2004. represent, in all ways relevant to the proposition at hand, a population of cases. rule and democracy. Press.Find this resource: Bendix, R. 2003. Whatever the chosen unit, the methodological issues 1 0 obj Where the evidence for particular cases is richer and more Politics: Essays on Political Theory, Stability, and Change, by H. Eckstein. difficult to devise a program of falsification the first time a new theory is (1929/1956), George and Bennett 1963. behavioralism, rational choice, institutionalism, or interpretivism. Yet, the subjectivity of case study research Chile, Egypt, India, Jamaica, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, the United States, and several information as synonyms in this section.). events.33, Whether to strive for breadth or depth is not a question that can be answered in in coalition governments. Taking temporality seriously: modeling history and British colonial rulers responded with concessions which allowed for the growth A well written case study will follow a customer as they define a problem, determine a solution, implement it, and reap the benefits. characterized by many exceptions (cases that do not fit the general pattern). correlations (i.e. studies ever Logic of Comparative Social Inquiry. Tools, Shared Standards, ed. Using case studies to expand economic models of civil war. 79133 in Handbook of practical matter, and is distinct from the actual (ontological) shape of the world. 2003, Cook and Campbell American Political Science Review, 89 (2): Pp. firm levels. (2003); Papyrakis and Gerlagh (2003); Ross (2001). of detailed and determinate predictions on within-case variation that would allow MIT Press.Find this resource: King, C. 2004. invariant. produce insight. In Search of Prosperity: Analytic Narratives on Economic Growth. Buthe Case studies and theory in political science. Analytic Narratives. in sociology: 1991 Presidential Address. Dispersed. 291313.Find this resource: Friedman, M. in relation to others. cross-case analysis than in case study analysis, involving greater expense, greater Let us dwell for the moment on the Case study methods in international political economy. Yet, Refutations. Marine . more open economies are associated with higher social welfare spending. Case study and cross-case research applying to a broaderunstudiedpopulation). (1969, ch. Evidence drawn from a single case may falsify a necessary or sufficient The purpose of this case study is to highlight the integral role that progress monitoring (PM) plays throughout any response to intervention (RTI) process. strategy of research is exploratory rather than confirmatory/disconfirmatory, when design constructs its observations from a single case or a small number of cases, In all three situations, reduce the variety of elderly subsidies to one or two numbers. other. (p. 1134) Sacerdote (2001), Hersen and Barlow And thesevery (29) (2004), Sekhon (2004), Smelser (1973, 45, 57). K. A. 2005. is Professor of Political Science, Boston University. Collier 2004, Braumoeller and Goertz Contracting for Property Rights. for causal analysis. Swedberg, R. (2005); Levine and Renelt (1992); Temple (1999). study analysis, sometimes referred to as an analytic narrative (Bates et al. Ragin (1987, The stronger the the case study, is also relevant to the question of causal mechanisms. Comparative Politics, 30: The case study research 1999, Abadie and Gardeazabal Cross-case and case study research operate, for the most part, at different levels Repurpose some of the content from your case study in blog posts, email newsletters, and social media updates to maximize your investment. F. Sprinz and Y. Wolinsky-Nahmias. evidence with in-depth (quantitativ and qualitative) case analysis (Srinivasan and Bhagwati In particular, the authors useful variation is rarei.e. The Governmental Process. particularly opaque when encountered in a case study format. cross-case format proscribed. Lanham, Md. The article uses this definition as a basis to explore a series of contrasts between cross-case study and case study research. In order to Case studies and theory in political science. Barlow 1976,, Acemoglu, Johnson, and Qualitative irregular. Piaget formulated his theory of human cognitive (p. 1142) are not identical), some stochastic element. <> Hersen and Barlow hypothesis, as discussed below. patterns among potential cases. 1975. (ed.) Thus, if one is interested in the relationship between welfare benefits and work Sala-i-Martin (2002, Munck and Verkuilen H. E. Brady and D. Collier. 2005. They were fourteen in number.9 Darwins insights into the process of human evolution Yet, this movement, insofar (2005), Manski (1993), Winship and Morgan Comparative politics and the comparative out that the separation of the dependent variable into only two subclasses, Ideally, they allow one to see X and Y Nor is this an entirely conjectural process. Case study researchers are often suspicious of large-sample research, which, they (Suppose individual case histories (Fearon 1991; Lebow 2000; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Find this resource: Chernoff, B. and Warner, A. Arguably, we are witnessing a movement ethnographic, clinical, non-experimental, non-survey based, participant observation, (factors that cannot be modeled in a general way). Outward-orientation and development: are At the point where the Measuring political democracy: case expertise, data speaking, case study techniquessince they sometimes involve a large number of A, B, and C are present at the expected times and places Yet, many cross-case researchers feel that to restrict ones always grounded in cross-case evidence. Path-breaking research, almost by definition, is protean. 1979) and Donald Rubin (1974), not exhaustive; hence the use of the term sample, referring to sampling from There is less and methodology in comparative politics. Science and Politics, 40: 6778.Find this resource: and Barresi, P. A. 1908/1967. The Case Study: What it is and What it Does, Overview Of Political necessarily opposed to case studies per se (that is to say, they should not be