"Urban areas are hubs of creativity and innovation providing fertile ground for novel responses to modern environmental challenges. Thse en Gographie, Universit de Strasbourg, publie le 24 fvrier 2016 1-9. The cases also demonstrate that, regardless of management approaches to create sustainable functioning riverine ecosystems modified to supply clean water as goods and services to urban areas for urban sustainability; it is unlikely that these riverine ecosystems will ever be fully functional. Cerema, 25 avril 2014 In all ecosystems these components interact with one another within a specified area. Detailed land-use mapping and ES modeling were applied to two future land-use alternatives." 2008GAL Habitabilit et nature urbaines: vers un outil dvaluation des projets urbains. Hand, et al. However, with rare exception, they do not. VertigO - la revue lectronique en sciences de lenvironnement [En ligne], Volume 12 Numro 2 | septembre 2012, Ecosystem service demand is also influenced by the characteristics of urban residents, particularly their economic characteristics (CasadoArzuaga, Madariaga, & Onaindia, 2013). [site visit le 05/05/2015] The state and use of municipal tree inventories in Swedish municipalities results from a national survey / Johan stberg, Bjrn Wistrm, Thomas B. Randrup What happens to other species as these urban ecosystems expand, and how species live and interact in established urban ecosystems, is the central focus of urban ecology. Social practices of value articulation are studied in local struggles over land-use. Landscape and Urban Planning, Available online 13 May 2016 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. ii)0 to develop an approach to estimate the cooling capacity provided by Green Urban Infrastructures to support urban planning. Procedia Engineering, Vol. In the vertical structure, as its name implies, the greater variety and complexity of the ecosystem occurs vertically, as can be seen in the forest where there is an herbaceous stratum (relative to the grass), a shrub stratum (relative to the Shrubs) and an arboreal stratum (relative to trees). Plante & Cit, 16 octobre 2017 Future decision-making can only be effectively promoted if the multiple cause-effect relationships driving urban and ES change are understood. Tools such as landscape characterization can assist in the understanding of betadiversity in metropolitan regions by mapping the extent and configuration of beta-diversity conditions, in particular microhabitats and habitat mosaic configurations. [site visit le 27 janvier 2014] DEPIETRI Yaella Soutien ministriel pour la biodiversit en milieu urbain. Even though there is not any confirmed definition of urban ecosystem health, just like the concept of ecosystem health, there exist certain basic common characteristics: (1) ecosystem services maintain a productive capacity, (2) system integrity is key component of urban ecosystem health, and (3) assessing urban ecosystem health requires a systems perspective. Dhier demain, la place de la nature dans lcosystme urbain. Urban ecosystem services (ES) are currently promoted in Sweden in the planning for more dense and sustainable cities. Using several cases of interrelationships between urban and natural ecosystems, ecological wisdom is conceptually shown to be a preferred management process. DDTM de lHrault, 3 mars 2015 One of such green spaces, is the Byoasen located in the Nrrebro suburb of Copenhagen, Denmark. ALBERT Christian, ARONSON James, FRST Christine, OPDAM Paul AIMS Environmental Science, 3(1): 58-76, published february 3, 2016 Does the Ecosystem Service Concept Reach its Limits in Urban Environments ? Ecosystem Services, prprint en ligne le 6 janvier 2015 For future spatial planning practice it is recommended that value of ecosystem services should be negotiated instead of assessed by experts." stata poi effettuata unanalisi comparativa di una quindicina di sistemi di indicatori (extraeuropei, europei ed italiani) che effettuano un benchmarking tra le citt, con lobiettivo di verificarne le analogie e evidenziarne le differenze. "Partant de multiples travaux de prospective sur les villes franaises et europennes, croisant les approches conomiques, architecturales, urbanistes et biologiques, il (le Comit de prospective) propose une rflexion originale autour de la ville comme cosystme. From wildlife to water, from urban agriculture to low-impact development, we need a better understanding of the urban ecosystem. DENNIS Matthew Les Mtiers de la ville de demain ( paratre), 2014 The aim of this thesis is to provide a combined model approach that is able to reveal the currently observed urban processes and dynamics which characterize the complex urban system. As America, and indeed the rest of the world, becomes increasingly urbanized, these issues are of the first importance in seeking to improve quality of life. At the same time, requests for new urban development are still considerable. Combining methods and levels of analysis brings increased understanding in empirical work." http://www.dart-europe.eu/full.php?id=854553, Urban habitats as a refuge for biodiversity: A case study in Greece Consequently, it is not realistic to propose strategies for green areas that do not include new developments. This study develops a framework for mapping the relationships among the capacity of and demand for ecosystem services, ecological flows, and planning management. http://su.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2%3A866074&dswid=-5539, Quantifying the ecosystem services provided by urban green space We advocate for a people-centred urban model aligned with the 2030 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Ecology and Society 21(2):29, 2016 Celle-ci permet dvaluer et de suivre les volutions de lenvironnement urbain, de dtecter et de mettre en uvre des moyens de rduire le mtabolisme territorial, et surtout de clarifier les diffrents processus qui soprent dans la ville (dcisionnels, organisationnels, etc.) Urban Ecosystems is an international journal devoted to scientific investigations of urban environments and the relationships between socioeconomic and ecological structures and processes in urban environments. INSTITUT DAMENAGEMENT, DE TOURISME ET DURBANISME 25-31 iForest, online 2014-05-19, doi: 10.3832/ifor1171-007 Quant la vgtation arbore, elle a t tudie en quantifiant les services et desservices cosystmiques en appliquant le modle i-Tree Eco. The socialecological approach spans from investigating ecosystem properties to the social frameworks and personal values that drive and shape human interactions with nature. Nature (La) dans la ville: biodiversit et urbanisme [site visit le 13 fvrier 2014] Afin notamment de mieux connatre la contribution des cosystmes la cration de la richesse nationale, le ministre de lcologie a engag lvaluation franaise des cosystmes et des services cosystmiques: EFESE. Le concept grandissant de services rendus par les cosystmes offre un nouveau prisme danalyse vis--vis des territoires et de leur amnagement. "This conceptual paper has two goals. KACZOROWSKA Anna However, many urban ecosystems are under pressure from increasing urbanisation, because the economic benefits they provide are rarely captured by the people who own and manage them. where primary production activitiessuch as . Despite declines in the density of species, cities still retain endemic native species, thus providing opportunities for regional and global biodiversity conservation, restoration and education." https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01136771, Assessing the Effectiveness of Urban Nature Reserves on Biodiversity Conservation Previous studies have attempted to conceptualise the ecological, social and political potential of such informal approaches to urban green space management. "Le terme biodiversit veille normalement des images de vastes horizons, de coins du monde prservs contre le dveloppement urbain ou industriel, de grandes forts ou de plaines vierges de traces du passage de lhomme. [site visit le 28 avril 2014] [site visit le 21 juillet 2014] La nature plus prcieuse et utile que jamais. In: MASCHINO L., SCOUARNEC A. 1-11 https://www.itreetools.org/resources/reports/iTree_Strasbourg_Report.pdf ROCHET Claude, PEIGNOT Joris de thse, Stockholm University, Faculty of Science, Stockholm Resilience Centre. But, these green spaces also serve as habitats for plant and animal species, facilitate soil water retention and carbon sequestration. Ces deux approches se sont bases sur une dmarche ascendante fonde sur la caractrisation de deux types de vgtation: les pelouses et les arbres urbains. A lore du XXe sicle, lanalyse ralise par lauteur fait apparatre les notions naissantes dcologie urbaine et de dveloppement durable pour lier enjeux passs de la ville aux proccupations contemporaines. Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, 12 February 2014, doi 10.1098/rspb.2013.3330 [site visit le 8/01/2015] Lapproche cosystmique issue de lcologie urbaine savre tre un prisme constructif pour parvenir cette intgration. Meteorologists, urban architects, urban planners, urban ecologists, and urban sociologists, among others, also have studied the effects of urban vegetation in cooling, pollutant reduction, noise attenuation, aesthetics, and also the role of green space for human enjoyment and quality of life in citiesthough not necessarily under the terms of what we today call urban ecosystem services. Dveloppement durable et territoires, vol.4, n2, juillet 2013 Pessac: IATU, 2008.- 176 p., ill., bibliogr., +1 cdrom La premire partie de ce mmoire consiste en une relecture oriente de lhistoire de la nature en ville. The characteristics of urban ecosystems fluxes of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and evapotranspiration (ET) over Denver, Colorado were discussed. Molla BM 4th Publication- The Value of UGI and Its Env.tal Response to Urban Ecosystem.pdf. The data for this progress re-port was gathered by means of a telephone survey. Consulter les supports des interventions "valuation conomique des services cosystmiques des espaces verts urbains: des valeurs contrastes - Prsentation de Nadine Polombo et Jean-Louis Yengu" et "Services cosystmiques et scnarios de planification territoriale lchelle de la Communaut urbaine de Bordeaux - Prsentation de Clment Fger" We also present results of a pilot analysis related to our own ongoing study of urban rodent control behavior to illustrate one application of this framework within a study of urban landscapes." VAN DER VELDE Tisma A., NIJHUIS J.R.T. This study quantified the ecosystem services (ES) provided by green spaces in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, using new methods to evaluate high-resolution land-cover data. Ambio, vol.43, n4, may 2014, pp. http://dcdc.asu.edu/docs/dcdc/website/documents/NOAA_PHX_UrbanSpaces_Rep.pdf, cosystmes et services cosystmiques urbains: retour sur la runion du 6 septembre 2013. Natural Capital Accounting 2020 roadmap. 1277-1285 "Pour rpondre ces questions, travers plusieurs exemples concrets sur diffrentes chelles de territoire, la DDTM 34 a ralis une plaquette dinformation: "Les continuits cologiques urbaines, pour vivre la ville en vert et bleu". Towards the achievement of this goal, it is crucial to understand the extent to which the ES concept is currently included in urban planning, and to identify the type of information that can most effectively support decision-makers and planners in adopting ES knowledge, and specifically Ecosystem-based measures in their everyday urban planning.