No food. Whereas modern medical practitioners admit that they have no cures, only drugs that mask the symptoms while causing yet other symptoms to appear. It blistered and reddened. When fasted, the results were reversed. Back to the infection. I usually do You may also use petroleum jelly (i.e., Vaseline) to make sure the wounds are wet. It needs a constant supply of oxygen and sufficient nourishment. The other very important aspect is that your self-awareness will be elevated. Do wounds heal faster covered or uncovered? Some, for the first time, will experience emotional stability. Proponents of water fasting claim that skin tone can improve as a result of the fasting. To summarize, I had low testosterone. Animals will naturally fast when they are sick or injured, and when we are ill, our hunger diminishes. I just updated the post (scroll up) with todays picture. By this time the wound had healed but it was still very sore. So, this was technically after one day of no food, but heavy cream. study that indicates moderate alcohol consumption activates autophagy. The smaller the wound, the quicker it will heal. These facts are due to physiological causes. I started taking the testosterone on day two, which is helping my body heal itself. 1) intermittent fasting will have the same effect as this fungus, and 2) this outcome will be the same in humans as in fruit flies. If you notice that you seem to bounce back from injury faster than your cohorts you may well be. we stop eating. Im going to continue to fast without testosterone. The Best Damn Cheeseburger Ive Ever Tasted. I dont know why this is, but I did it twice a day to control the itch. If we get out of the way and allow nature to take its course, we will find that we can heal from any problem. Minor injuries and wounds should heal within 1-3 with minimal to no scarring. It becomes a period where you can evaluate all that you're doing more objectively, and you naturally have more time for contemplation because you aren't using time amassing, preparing, eating, eliminating and cleaning up all which is used to prepare food. There is no science one way or the other, but to me it makes sense. Steiner Health. The blood will start to clot within a few minutes or less and stop the bleeding. Heres a quote from it: In principle, one day a doctor could give a diagnosis along with a specific dietary recommendation. I had a medical practice for 20 years in NYC, supervised hundreds of long fasts, and I found that the physical healing or weight loss was but a pleasant side effect. I broke my fast at 3PM, and ate quite a lot of fatty food. This may make your skin look younger too. DO NOT FAST after surgery. A bandage also keeps the wound cleaner. Dr. Berry says it takes three to five days for the T to completely leave your system. There is no science one way or the other, but to me it makes sense. On top of fasting, I found that spraying the infected skin in the shower with hot water, as hot as I could stand, had a strange but pleasurable feeling, like you get when you scratch an itch. Water fasting improves blood circulation, according to some experts. You gain self-confidence in your ability to control your life process, to set a goal and carry out an intention. Perhaps the most instructive testimony as to the acuteness of mental powers during fasting comes from Dr. Herbert Shelton who supervised the fasting of more than 40,000 people over a period of fifty years. Buy a triple antibiotic ointment and apply it a couple of times a day. Hes a family doctor in rural Tennessee. I also applied Cetaphil, a skin moisturizer, to it every day. However, when you go to the hospital with a fresh injury, one of the first things a nurse does is clean the wound and cover it up. Conversely, epithelialization notably accele Now, before you say thats crazy, Carl. In order to understand why the skin wound in my older patient healed so slowly, it is important to first understand how wounds heal under the ideal conditions of youth. Carl, pretty cool, though without more samples and controls it doesnt show causality. He has a program where you can come see him once in person, get blood work done, and so long as youre not on medications or have conditions that require constant in-person monitoring, he can be your GP and provide care remotely. Maybe it was just lucky timing - fasting on the day the infection had run its course and was ready to clear. The authors compared the epithelialization, contraction, and wound healing progress of the wounds from the fasting and control groups (Figure 1). Lather your hands with soap and scrub them for 20 seconds. While you may not be a pro athlete, there are steps you can take to expedite recovery. Since fasting accelerates autophagy and a dry fast is such a strict diet, you can renew the fibroblasts that produce collagen at a faster rate. This is the first picture I took on May 11, 2018: The day I started fasting. Yet under that bandage (or in the open air), the body orchestrates a complex cascade of events designed to heal wounds big and small. do wounds heal faster when they are covered with band-aids? During a fast, a metamorphosis occurs. This is an innate mechanism of the body to influence us to fast so we can produce the proper environment for optimal healing. The elimination of these obstructions restores the immune system functionality and metabolic process to an optimum state. The question still stands, do wounds heal faster covered or uncovered? The next morning it did seem to be a bit more red, itchy, and I could feel a twinge of pain that wasnt there the day before. Try to be quick when changing dressings. There is a confounder in my experiment, however. There is a remarkable redistribution of nutrients in the fasting body. 31 years experience General Surgery. In order to truly test this, I would have to have had normal T when I got the infection, and then fasted. Wash your hands. Its a natural reaction, so it must be protective. He wrote a book called Lies My Doctor Told Me, which I read, and it rang true. The body undergoes a tearing down and rebuilding of damaged materials. Place your wound under running water to remove dirt and debris from inside of To heal faster, don't let the wounded place dry up. Fasting not only removes obstructions and helps the body to heal itself, it is also rejuvenating and life-extending. May 13, 2018 carl. The reasons for this are multifold - the elimination of the emotional dependence on food, exclusion of stimulating foods like caffeine, processed sugars, recreational drugs, tobacco and trans-fatty acids, all of which can have a devastating effect on delicate emotions. OK? Make protein a priority. Why does fasting have such a powerful effect in healing the body? This is one of the reasons why many people feel nauseated when they have infections. DISCLAIMER: If you have a bacterial infection you need to see your doctor right away. You follow the doctors orders when it comes to taking your medication, switching your dressings and treating the wounded area with careful attention. As it becomes less efficient, the initial inflammatory stages and the debridement stage can become compromised. Exposing a wound to the open air can drop its temperature and may slow healing for a few hours. Diabetes Mellitus welcomes several diseases due to over time exposure to high blood glucose; which may damage some of the most functional organs such as nerves, kidneys, eyes and blood vessels. Fasting dissolves diseased cells in a systematic manner, leaving healthy tissue. In the fasting state, the body will scour for dead cells, damaged tissues, fatty deposits, tumors, abscesses, all of which are burned for fuel or expelled as waste. Water fasting is thought to help accelerate scar healing and may help with skin problems such as acne. Just black coffee, water, salt, and supplements. Band aid/minor wound: Wounds respond to cleaning, drainage management. More antibiotics. This is why when we are ill, we naturally lose our appetite. Even though I covered it with antibiotic cream and gauze, it got infected and turned into what looks and feels like a cellulitis. Wondering how to make a wound heal faster? Wounds heal faster if they are kept warm. Do wounds heal faster covered or uncovered? Here it is today. I asked her to take a picture of it every day. As a side note, I got a new doctor this year, Dr. Ken Berry. Knowing what I know about resistance and how it happens makes me think there may be something similar happening here. Hey, as long as it doesnt stop it, Im all in! For this reason, fasting is famous for its ability to rejuvenate and give the body a more youthful tone. Again, if you have a bacterial infection, you should talk to your doctor immediately. Wet your hands. I am a primary vocalist for my band, Franklin Brothers, and I couldnt sing. I may celebrate tonight with some salt, butter, and a Makers on the rocks. One of the side benefits of this fast is weight loss. These preparations are poisonous to the cells involved in wound repair. Keep your wound dressed. The mental and physical senses are heightened, and often there can be a feeling of euphoria, especially during longer fasts. In order to heal from an illness, we need as much energy devoted towards the immune system and tissue regeneration as possible. Day 8, or 3 days fully fasted (had a break in the middle there) without testosterone. Fasting can treat sports injuries by accelerating the wound-healing process. Talk to your doctor about this seriously. However, my goal here is to get rid of the infection without antibiotics. I was getting more colds. Band aids can cover and protect a small wound and they also comfort children who can be scared with a bleeding skin abrasion. Or do they? If it its true that intermittent fasting will make you more susceptible to infection (which seems to be the case with me) and extended fasting can have a positive effect on your immune system which will help fight a bacterial infection, then I should do an extended fast and see what happens to my cellulitis. If these energies are not required there, they may be used by the brain for better thinking. Now, bear in mind, this was done on fruit flies. Can Fasting Heal a Bacterial Infection? Not everyone heals at the same rate. Epithelialization and contraction are crucial to the wound-healing process. I also posted this in the juice fasting forum but thought Id try here also. Ones mind becomes clearer and ones ability to think and solve intricate problems is enhanced. It looks better than it did yesterday, and thats promising. What really happened is that the person got in touch with their higher self, their true self, and came to the experience that healing can take place at every level, simply by letting go and allowing Mother Nature to do her work. Dr. Rai Casey. Its only by fasting forthree days that your immune system seems to regenerate itself. This article cites a study that introduced fruit flies to afungus that activated similar genes in humans which affect stress and immunity. The Atlantic did a story on this same study, with a bit more editorial. The bacteria develop a resistance to it. His message is that the freer the body is of toxic materials flowing through the blood and lymphatic system, the clearer is the ability to think. Your body needs energy to heal and rebuild. 2018: The day I started fasting. Contrary to popular belief, giving a wound room to breathe without a dressing doesnt improve healing time. Since the skin is well-hydrated, it heals and renews itself faster. Basically, You won the genetic lottery. Here we are at day 7, or more precisely, after 2 days of a resumed fast with no testosterone. I do have 2 drinks of non-carb alcohol (whiskey) in the evening. You are basically starving the bacteria out.. These resulting benefits can have lasting affects in your mental and emotional health. Its well known that one of the best things you can do to help heal a bruise or sprain is apply heat to the area. No matter what the cause of your skin issue is, you need to know when to seek medical attention. Having this nagging feeling about my immune system being affected by fasting I did some research and I found what, on the face of it, look like two studies with opposite findings. When you have diabetes, a number of factors can affect your bodys ability to heal wounds. The researchers then turned to mice to test the idea, discovering that, as expected, daytime wounds healed faster than nighttime injuries. The result is a thorough cleansing of the tube, membrane and cellular structures. I've been experiencing intermittent fasting benefits over the past year, as I've experimented with waiting til later in the morning/midday to eat a meal, and can say it's easier than you think, and allows your body time to regenerate and recover (read about how I've been recovering from Lyme & co here). Turn on the faucet. Since the dawn of recorded time, in fact since before the word "doctor" came into existence, priests provided sanctuaries where people could go to fast. High blood sugar levels. A balanced diet helps wounds to heal faster. I was doing a ketogenic diet with IF. Practice stress-relieving activities to help wounds heal faster. Wounds may also heal faster or better if you keep them covered. Ok, lets look at some pictures, shall we? I usually do this to ease into a fast. Fasting intensifies healing as deep tissue and tired organs are repaired rapidly. While fasting you become more aware of your body process, your life and with everything you are doing. Cut, scrape or puncture the skin and our bodies immediately begin to heal the wound. If youre an athlete, its better to get into a regular fasting schedule, as fasting ahead of incurring a wound will heal it more rapidly than fasting to heal it after the fact. I lost about 12 lbs in the first 3 3wks since then it's been flat. I read a study that indicates moderate alcohol consumption activates autophagy. In 2016 after being keto for 4 months I came home from Belgium with a whopper of a virus that lasted all summer. Choose foods rich in vitamin C. Speak with a doctor about vitamins or supplements that may treat the wound more quickly. Dr. Berry informed me that when T is low, skin infections take longer to heal. It did indeed extend their lives, however it made them more susceptible to infections. The third time I decided to intervene with testosterone therapy and an extended fast. All rights reserved. If that happens, Im happy for now, and we can file this under needs more research.. Probably the most important reason is that the body uses quite a bit of energy to digest food, and when fasting this energy becomes available for other uses. Keep these methods in mind to recover from your injury in record time. Some of us DO mend up faster than others. When fed, the ones with a viral infection survived and the ones with the bacterial infection did not. Clears Acne Faster. If it gets worse, we stop the experiment and get the antibiotics. 10. Those with a viral infection did NOT survive, and those with a bacterial infection did. Day6 No Androgel. Why Do Some People Heal Faster From Injuries? With the knowledge above, we can say that moisture helps the wounds heal better. Its not good. The body uses quite a bit of energy to digest food, and when fasting this energy becomes available for other uses. In this post, well talk about what a dry fast is, why collagen is so important to skin firmness, and how through fasting you can induce the autophagy necessary to improve the look of your skin. we stop eating. I also took my first dose of testosterone. On the bacterial side, cuts and scrapes that should have healed were getting infected and requiring antibiotics to heal. When it comes to animal bites, cuts deeper than a quarter inch or those that bleed excessively, people should see a doctor, says UCI Health family medicine specialist Sara Etemad, MD.. The last two scrapes I had turned into cellulitis, a painful (then itchy) condition where the skin gets infected and spreads. Significant differences were not observed in the percentage of wound epithelialization between the two groups on day 3 (P > 0.05). According to the Cleveland Clinic, wounds need moisture to heal. I suggest some more experimentation to help nail this down. I had actually stopped eating the day before, May 10th, but I had coffee with heavy cream twice in the day. Most of us take wound healing for granted. By eliminating obstructions, by cleansing, detoxification, and purifying the intestines, the blood, and the cells, we can overcome many of our physical ills or handicaps as well as getting a boost in energy.