Bond, M., Hill, J., Mulvey, A., & Terenzio, M. (2000). Frontiers in Psychology, 4(348), 1-3. Postpositivist critical multiplism. Zalta (ed. Towards a liberation psychology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Netherlands: Springer. Context of discovery versus context of justification and Thomas Kuhn. As abstract representations of reality, various community psychological models provide further diverse contexts through which to view the diversity of community psychological reality. New York: Routledge, Chapman, and Hall. (pp. Its perspective is that people and their problems can only be understood by considering the social settings and systems of which they are part and with which they interact continuously over time. For scientists, the shift from logical empiricism has had little practical consequence; they retained the scientific method but accepted its philosophical limitations by adopting a pragmatic solution; that is, a stance that allows for theoretical and methodological pluralism in which no method or theory is considered, a priori, to be better than another (Tebes, 2005, 2012). Hagoort, P. (2005). Community psychology goes beyond an individual focus and integrates social, cultural, economic, political, environmental, and international influences to promote positive change, health, … They have started a conversation vital to our field’s future. (pp. Status of theory in community psychology relative to theory in other fields in psychology. (1905). This volume explores the field of community mental health from the perspective of community psychology. 454-482). Rosnow & M. Georgundi (Eds.). Ajzen, I. History and theoretical-methodological fundaments of Community Psychology in Ceará. Contextualism and understanding in behavioral science (pp. Synthese, 172, 269-192. This view is consistent with Jason et al. Hebb, D.O. (1994). Experience and prediction: An analysis of the foundations and the structure of knowledge. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. (2014). Clipboard, Search History, and several other advanced features are temporarily unavailable. Chicago, Il: University of Chicago Press. (2000). For Kuhn (1962/1970), the DJ distinction is mostly a false dichotomy since the context of justification is just as embedded in extra-scientific factors as those that shape the context of discovery (Hoyningen-Huene, 2006; Nickles, 1980). NIH 11-39). Tebes, J. K. (2012). Finally, he teaches postdoctoral and doctoral fellows in community research and practice, and is the Program Director of a NIDA T32 postdoctoral research training program in substance abuse prevention. A perspectivist looks at contextualism and the future of behavioral science. Allen, J., & Mohatt, G.V. (pp. Bronfenbrenner, U. (2016) correctly point out that this “theory” operates mostly as a “framework” because it provides a basis for specifying various models and hypotheses, but not specific predictions based on the theory. Nevertheless, Lashley’s theory about equipotentiality and mass action in the first half of the 20th century was enormously influential theoretically in explaining how laboratory animals and some humans could recover specific functions, such as speech and language, despite having lesions in regions of the brain usually associated with those functions. This includes treating the violent sequelae of the unjust Apartheid system through improving relationships among communities divided in terms of historical, colonial, racial, ethnic, political, gender, and other boundaries as well as promoting health and social change. The initial quantitative investigation in the Zululand Community Psychology Project involved five coresearchers, who evaluated five community psychology models--the mental health, social action, organizational, ecological, and phenomenological models--in terms of their differential applicability in three partnership centers, representing health, education, and business sectors of the local community. The Zululand Community Psychology Project is a South African initiative aimed at improving community life. Transformative paradigm: Mixed methods and social justice. Dunbar, K. (1999). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Explaining science: A cognitive approach. Europe: Palgrave MacMillan. Although the authors make a case for the value of theory, I think much of what takes actually place in science – especially when doing research in what the authors would refer to as the context of discovery – involves conceptualizing and testing models. Pragmatism and the philosophical foundations of mixed methods research. From intentions to actions: A theory of planned behavior. Laudan, L. (1990). Keywords: Theory, Science, Community Psychology, Framework, Contact Info:Nicole Freund, MA, MBA, PhD Research Scientist, Center for Applied Research and Evaluation Giere (2006)’s scientific perspectivism is another realist philosophy of science that further emphasizes how observations of the world are a distinctively human activity; they constitute a perspectival reality from the point of view of the observer, something I have written about elsewhere in describing perspectivism, which I have argued is a foundational, constructivist philosophy of science for our field (Tebes, 2012, 2016; Tebes et al., 2014). The authors focus their paper on theories in the field of community psychology. Popper, K. (1935/1959). Tebes, J. K. (2016). Community psychology insists on multiple levels of analysis: individual (e.g., attitudes, cognitions, emotions), microsystem (e.g., family, classroom, team), organizational (e.g., a school, a church, an agency), community (e.g., geographic, identity, common experience communities), and macrosystem (e.g., ideologies, cultures, societal institutions). Download the PDF version to access the complete article. Community Intervention Models: Problems, Strengths and Future Applications Many community intervention models are mentioned in the literature, and three key approaches are referenced (Rothman, Erlich & Tropman, 2001). Within and without: images of community and implications for South African psychology. Longino, H. (1990). (2004). Washington, DC: APA Books. Normative naturalism. This is a fairly broad and far-reaching subject within psychology, synthesizing elements from other disciplines including sociology, political science, public health, cross-cultural psychology, and social psychology. 119–131). Nickles, T. (1980). Physiological mechanisms in animal behavior. Along with perspectivism, our field also has strong philosophical roots in pragmatism, feminism, and critical theory, which elsewhere I have argued serve as foundations for a philosophy of science of community psychology (Tebes, 2016). & Secord, P.F. Jason et al. Search for Models Of Community Psychology And Organizational Change Psychology Models Of Community Psychology And Organizational Change Psychology Ads Immediate However, in recent years, a number of philosophers of science (Frigg & Hartmann, 2012; Giere, 2006, 2010; Morgan & Morrison, 1999; Nersessian, 2006) have emphasized the centrality of models, even more so than theories, to advance science. Vanderstraeten, R. (2002). Tricket (1996) described community psychology in terms of contexts of diversity within a diversity of contexts. Lashley’s framework was not a fully developed theory of the brain, but it stimulated subsequent productive science on the brain; ecological theory has had a similar impact on science in community psychology. Teo, T. (2015). Tebes, J. K. (2005). Bond, C.B. However, the authors’ extended discussion of Reichenbach’s (1938) “context of discovery” vs. “context of justification,” and its central place in their argument, suggests that there is a disconnect between their knowledge of this history and its implications for the importance of theories in science, and in community psychology. The theory of planned behaviour is alive and well, and not ready to retire: a commentary on Sniehotta, Presseau, and Araújo-Soares. This affords scientists freedom to characterize the world apart from the language of theory (Giere, 2010), thus producing more useful, accurate, and locally-grounded observations (Dunbar, 1999; Giere, 2010). (1979). APA Handbook of Community Psychology, Volume 2: Methods for Community Research and Action for Diverse Groups and Issues. The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. (2007). (Ed.). Models represent some middle ground between theory and observation, are intended as representations of the world, and are usually tied to the contexts in which observations take place (Frigg & Hartmann, 2012; Giere, 2006; Nersessian, 2006). Biesta, G. (2010). (2009). Community Engagement Institute Wichita State University (pp. Scientific discovery and the future of philosophy of science. Foundations for a philosophy of science of community psychology: Perspectivism, pragmatism, feminism, and critical theory. The ecology of human development: Experiments by nature and design. What replaced logical empiricism in philosophy was various forms of realism (Bhaskar, 1975; Giere, 2006; Harre, 2009; Manicas & Secord, 1983). to team science and a place for community psychology. Belief, attitude, intention, and behavior: An introduction to theory and research. This led to a further qualitative individual and focus group investigation with eight university coresearchers into the experience of social transformation with special reference to social changes needed in the South African context. (1950). Mass action (Lashley [1929] originally called it mass function) refers to the notion that the brain functions as an integrated system (mass action) in which specific neurons, when necessary, can take on functions ordinarily carried out by other neurons (equipotentiality). SAGE handbook of mixed methods in social & behavioral research. Since community psychology is centrally focused on action and inquiry that is culturally situated and local, and often involves participatory approaches with various stakeholders, a focus on model-building over theory-building is likely to have significant benefits for advancing science. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs, If you have a Gravatar account, this email address will be used to post your Gravatar image with your comment. Module Title: Sociology and Psychology and Public Health Part 1 Literature Review Health behaviour can be described as behaviour aimed to prevent or detect disease (Kasl and Cob, 1966). 2009 Mar;12(1):16-38. doi: 10.1007/s10567-009-0041-8. I appreciate the opportunity to comment on the paper by Jason, Stevens, Ram, Miller, Beasley, and Gleason (2016) entitled, “Theories in the Field of Community Psychology.” The authors tackle an important, but often neglected issue – the use of theories in science – and consider how well theories in community psychology advance scientific inquiry. Jason et al. (2016) hold community psychology to a higher standard than other fields in psychology. Community psychologists seek to understand the quality of life of individuals within groups, organizations and institutions, communities, and society. (1983). (pp. Another concern I have is that, when it comes to theory development, Jason et al. Scientific perspectivism. 1-9) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Mertens, D.M. E.N. Community Psychology Theory and Practice Jim Orford, University of Exeter, UK Community psychology is a comparatively new area within psychology. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour,39, 129-143. One value of models is that they are non-linguistic; that is, they are less constrained by language as a representation of the world (Giere, 1988; Morrison & Morgan, 1999). Each of these approaches has moved our field away from a logical empiricist approach to science to one that embraces catalytic or transformative change (Lather, 1991; Mertens, 2007). It emphasizes active participation from the community in identifying key health issues and strategies to address them. Cornell University Press. In search of the engram. As a highly evolved collaborative approach, CBPR would be represented on the right side of the continuum shown in Figure 1.1. Their brief review of theory in each area provides a useful summary and a call to action for further specification of theory. Networks of the Brain. Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference. 1-27. (1968). American Psychologist, 70, 243-253. Jason et al. Electronic Edition. For example, theoretical models regarding cell function, cell growth, and biochemical change have allowed scientists to 85-99). Education in community psychology: Models for graduate and undergraduate programs Fryer, David 2001-05-01 00:00:00 David Smail 35 Tranby Gardens, Wollaton Nottingham, NG8 2AB, UK David Smail is a retired clinical psychologist; for the time being, he remains Special Professor in Clinical Washington, DC: APA Books. Baker, L. Mos, H.V. Tebes, J. K., Thai, N. D., & Matlin, S. L. (2014). However, for both aspects of ecological theory as used in community psychology, Jason et al. An agent-based conception of models and scientific representation. Brodsky, A.E. Thus, different models or approaches to community change are based on different assumptions regarding the issues being addressed and the relationships that exist within the community (i.e., consensus or conflict), and the assessment of the community that drives the change process (i.e., needs-based or strengths-based). In another example, in the fields of neuropsychology, physiological psychology, and cognitive science there has been considerable research conducted on the proposed theoretical principles of equipotentiality and mass action (Lashley, 1929, 1950). The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, University of Chicago Press. (2006). Abstract. In W.J. Giere, R.N. Second Edition. Dunbar, K. (2000). (2016) provide a valuable service to our field in their examination of theories in community psychology, and specifically, theories in three major areas: ecological theory, sense of community, and empowerment. However, after summarizing the adequacy of theories in community psychology, they return to characterizing the DJ distinction as one between conducting “exploratory” research vs. research that seeks to “develop a good theory” and that utilizes “rigorous methods” (Jason et al., 2016, p. 18). Despite my enthusiasm for several parts of their paper, I have a number of concerns. Being ecological. (pp. voice: +1-316-978-5088 email:, An exchange of Ideas, Information and Resources for Community Practitioners, © 2009-2021 Globabl Journal of Community Psychology Practice, Global Journal of Community Psychology 2004 Mar;33(1-2):77-89. doi: 10.1023/b:ajcp.0000014320.65759.a5. Pragmatism (Biesta, 2010; Dewey, 1905; Mertens, 2007; Vanderstraeten, 2002) provides a basis for understanding meaning and action, including action research, mixed methods, and program evaluation (Biesta, 2010; Tebes, 2016). Sporns, O. Consistent with Kuhn and with other critics of the DJ distinction, I would argue that both types of DJ research – discovery and justification – are effectively exploratory and both use rigorous methods, depending on the context of inquiry and questions examined. Stam (Eds.). Logical empiricism replaced positivism because it offered a practical way – the (hypothetico-deductive) scientific method – to conduct science; in which a researcher begins with an a priori hypothesis derived from theory that is then tested inductively by observations made under specific conditions (McGuire, 1986). Sage Publications: New York. (2015). American Journal of Community Psychology, 54, 83-90. Moving into the new millennium: Some perspectives on the brain in action. 1-59) Dordrecht: Reidel. (2nd Ed.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! Thus, if observations and the language used to describe them are flawed representations of reality subject to extra-scientific factors, theories in science are an imperfect “house of cards” upon which conceptions of reality are based. Tricket (1996) described community psychology in terms of contexts of diversity within a diversity of contexts. Lashley, K.S. Philosophical foundations of mixed methods research: Implications for research practice. Community psychology studies the individuals' contexts within communities and the wider society, and the relationships of the individual to communities and society. How scientists build models: InVivo science as a window on the scientific model. Education in community psychology: Models for graduate and undergraduate programs Fryer, David 2001-05-01 00:00:00 David Smail 35 Tranby Gardens, Wollaton Nottingham, NG8 2AB, UK David Smail is a retired clinical psychologist; for the time being, he remains Special Professor in Clinical Psychology at the Despite these limitations, the influence of Lashley’s theoretical principles were considerable as scientists conceptualized the brain as an integrated neural network (Hebb, 1949), and identified pervasive and distributed brain functions, including those for cognition, language, and action (Hagoort, 2005; Sporns, 2011; Willems & Hagoort, 2007). Twenty-first century science as a relational process: From Eureka! HHS Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. However, their influence as a model of brain function was quite significant, and arguably, quite relevant to contemporary theories of the brain. The psychology of science: Contributions to metascience. (2006). London: Verso. In R.L. Implications for psychology of the new philosophy of science. This view holds that there is a reality “out there” independent of one’s construction of it (i.e., realism) and that the natural world, including human beings, can be known (albeit imperfectly) through direct engagement and observation (i.e., naturalism) (Tebes, 2005, 2016). 6 Conceptual models of ecological context (1) Four ecological principles (2)Social Climate Dimension (3) Social Regularities (4)Ecological Psychology and Behavior Settings (5)Activity Settings (6) Environmental Psychology. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Boydston & L. Hickman (Eds. The focus … Between philosophy and social science: Selected early writings. TPB stipulates that intention immediately precedes a given behavior and itself has three intersecting influences: one’s attitude toward the behavior, subjective norms about the behavior, and perceived behavioral control (Azjen, 2015). ), Writings for a liberation psychology: Ignacio Mart?´n-Baro. In C. Teddlie & A. Tashakkori (Eds). New York: Pergamon Press. 95-117). Neural evidence for the interplay between language, gesture, and action: A review. Getting smart: Feminist research and pedagogy with/in the postmodern. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 36, 2234-246. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, 56. The initial quantitative investigation in the Zululand Community Psychology Project involved five coresearchers, who evaluated five community psychology models--the mental health, social action, organizational, ecological, and phenomenological models--in terms of their differential applicability in three partnership centers, representing health, education, and business sectors of the local community. Chasing rainbow notions: enacting community psychology in the classroom and beyond in post-1994 South Africa. Time to retire the theory of planned behavior. Research contributions from psychology to community mental health (pp. Collaboration and social inquiry: Multiple meanings of a construct and its role in creating useful and valid knowledge. These four philosophical foundations for our field – perspectivism, pragmatism, feminism, and critical theory – have overlapping constructivist epistemologies with implications for science in community psychology (Tebes, 2016). Community psychology embraces a number of epistemological traditions relevant to this task that the authors do not address. Models of Throughout this Children and political violence from a social ecological perspective: implications from research on children and families in Northern Ireland. However, as philosophers noted at the time, this view assumed that observations were independent of theory, when in fact, they were constrained by the very theories they purported to test (Popper, 1935/1959). The authors repeatedly return to the distinction made by Reichenbach (1938) – that is, the context of discovery vs. the context of justification, which philosophers refer to as the DJ distinction (Hoyningen-Huene, 2006) – as central to why theories in community psychology do not quite measure up as scientific. (pp. (1975). On Broca, brain, and binding: A new framework. The Social Action Model3 This model emphasises structural inequalities in society, particularly poverty and the disempowerment In J. Kuhl & J. Beckman (Eds.). Each of these influences is further affected, respectively, by one’s beliefs about the likely consequences of the behavior, normative expectations for others important to the person faced with the behavioral choice, and various factors that control effective behavioral performance. Critical psychology: A geography of intellectual engagement and resistance. Theories in the field of community psychology. American Journal of Community Psychology, 34, 1-68. Andrews, J.O., Tingen, M.S., Jarriel, S.C., Caleb, M., Simmons, A., Brunson, J., Mueller, M.,.Ahluwalia, J.S., Newman, S.D., Cox, M.D., Magwood, G., & Hurman, C. (2012). Trickett, E.J., & Espino, S.L.R. ), Revisiting Discovery and Justification. (2016), although to be fair, they did not go into any depth describing models. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. The term epistemology refers to how one comes to know the world and to make knowledge claims about it (Tebes, 2005). Community psychology: In pursuit of liberation and well- being. Practice, Creative Multiple psychological senses of community in Afghan context: Exploring commitment and sacrifice in an underground resistance community. The authors note that such a rapprochement seeks to establish a “normative perspective” among scholars for “the evaluation of scientific claims” (Hoyningen-Huene, 2006, p. 130). Kuhn (1962/1970) and other philosophers of science showed that theories, and the paradigms in which they were embedded, were shaped by extra-scientific factors – social, historical, cultural, and psychological forces – that influenced the norms and acceptability of a given theory among scientists. (2010). Charlottesville, VA: InteLex Corporation, 2003. Lashley based his theory on ablation studies of rats, and we now know that his observations were the result of how he measured performance; he used an approach that was standard at the time and produced results which challenged the prevailing models of the brain which emphasized localization of function (Elliott & Carson, 2000). ), Retrieved from New York: Springer-Verlag. COVID-19 is an emerging, rapidly evolving situation. With prevention as a focus, the community psychologist aims to effect social change in a broad context, while participating in the community itself and conceptualizing change He also serves as Chief Psychologist at the Connecticut Mental Health Center and is Editor-in-Chief of the American Journal of Community Psychology. In this context, some pra… 271-303). Yet, in the decades since its inception, community psychology has reduced its focus on promoting mental health, well‐being, and liberation of individuals with serious mental illnesses. The utility of the theory has had mixed assessments as a theory of behavior change, but it has been useful as a theory to specify conditions under which behavioral intentions result in specific behaviors (Azjen, 2015; Sniehotta et al., 2014). 214-245). Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice.7(2). Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, 416-423. (1962/1970). Psychologists working in this field look at the cultural, economic, social, political, and environmental that shape and influence the lives of people all over the globe. New York, NY: Behavioral Publications. His scholarship focuses on resilience promotion, the prevention of adolescent substance use, integrating cultural perspectives into practice and research, and the implications of philosophy of science for community research and community psychology. American Psychologist, 47, 730-740. Giere, R.N. (1949). Philosophy of Science, 57, 44-59. Dewey’s transactional constructivism. Introduction to ecological description of a community intervention: Building prevention through collaborative field-based research. The social dimensions of scientific knowledge. ), Innovative methodological approaches to community-based research, (pp. Science as social knowledge: Values and objectivity in scientific inquiry. A perspectivist approach to strategic planning of programmatic scientific research. The authors’ scope was ambitious – Theories in the Field of Community Psychology – and so it is natural that they were unable to incorporate most of the relevant work related to their topic. In A. Aron & S. Corne (Eds. Certainly scientists have their biases about which theories and methods they find most useful, but norms are generally established within each field for what constitutes scientific inquiry. Let’s look at a brief description of these approaches. The science question in feminism. Bhaskar, R. (1975). In J.W. 76- 100). Jacob Kraemer Tebes is a community/clinical psychologist and Professor of Psychiatry (Psychology), in the Child Study Center, and in Public Health at Yale University; Director of the Division of Prevention and Community Research; and Director of The Consultation Center. Finally, there is discussion with regard to the evaluation of various models of community psychology in international perspective. (1985). (2016) summarize ecological theory as described by Kelly (1968; 2006) as well as Bronfenbrenner (1979), noting that Kelly’s emphasis on interdependence, cycling of resources, adaptation, and succession provides somewhat greater specificity than Bronfenbrenner’s embedded socio-ecological contexts for human development. Community science, philosophy of science, and the practice of research. Psychology in South Africa is confronted by many challenges. Am J Community Psychol. An expedition into community psychology. This essay explores the various models of community psychology as expressed in the mental health model, the indigenous-ecological model, the organisational model, the social action model and the social community-liberatory model. Cook, T.D. Feminist studies, 14(3), 575-599. Kuhn, T.S. Read Next. McGuire, W.J., (1989). I conclude this commentary with a brief discussion of this issue and its implications. (pp. 1990;31(10):1093-102. doi: 10.1016/0277-9536(90)90231-g. J Prev Interv Community. American Journal of Community Psychology, 49, 307-316. Harraway, D. (1988). Until about the 1960s, this was the standard way to do science, and was defensible in the philosophy of science. Community psychology is the branch of psychology concerned with person environment interactions and the ways society affects individual and community functioning. Examples of this are found in studies of how scientists think; their use of model building through analogous reasoning and distributed cognition in teams illustrates how science advances in the context of discovery (Dunbar, 1999, 2000; Nersessian, 2006). In: M. S. Morgan & M. Morrison (Eds. Theory directs the scientist “to provide an understanding of the processes which jointly produce the contingent outcomes of experience” (Manicas, 2006, p. 1). Manicas, P.T. Theories are used in Community Psychology to ensure we are addressing the community dynamics in all the ways needed to be most effective in promoting a social justice agenda. Dr. Tebes also trains and consults to public agencies and community-based organizations on program implementation and systems reform, and on building and sustaining evaluation capacity. Gergen, K.J. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. Philosophy of Science, 73, 699-709. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. There are numerous successful examples of how such collaborative, culturally grounded research has advanced action as well as science in the field (Allen & Mohatt, 2014; Andrews et al., 2012; Brodsky, 2009; Jason, 2013; Tebes et al., 2014). The logic of scientific discovery. Action-control: From cognition to behavior. models are integrated into a typology which integrates the conflict and consensus theories of society in relation to the six strategies. Critical theory, as another philosophical foundation for community psychology, has focused on human experiences of power and oppression as well as resistance, emancipation, and liberation through individual and collective action (Fox, Prilleltensky, & Austin, 2009; Horkheimer, 1931/1993; Mart?´n-Baro, 1994; Mertens, 2007; Nelson & Prilleltensky, 2010; Teo, 2015). ), Models as mediators: Perspectives on natural and social science. McGuire, W.J., (1986). These include the authors’: 1) assumptions about contemporary science, 2) assessment of theories in community psychology relative to those in other fields in psychology, 3) overemphasis on theory as opposed to models in science, and 4) lack of attention to other epistemologies in community psychology that hold scientific promise for our field. Rappard, & H.J. Watch the "What Is Community Psychology" Video on Our YouTube Channel. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage. (2016) provide a valuable service to our field in their examination of theories in community psychology, and specifically, theories in three major areas: ecological theory, sense of community, and empowerment. , S. L. ( 2014 ) consider how individuals, groups, and administration mostly... Contexts of diversity within a diversity of community psychology many communities and wider. Inform a multi-level tobacco cessation intervention in public housing neighborhoods of society in relation to the six strategies Sigogo,... 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