To elicit more honest feedback explain that there won’t be any discussion about the chart and you will simply use this data for future comparison. The goal here is to get your team creative and facilitate the process of sharing ideas in a new and fun way. Inspired by Actions for Retrospectives from Innovationgames, this technique is good for keeping the team engaged and make the retrospective more fun. A Matriz CSD é uma técnica para discutir sobre as certezas, as suposições e as dúvidas que temos sobre os desafios e contexto dentro dos projetos que ... End of project retrospective to know what people learnt / enjoyed most on this project. The 3 Ws stand for: Worked well, kinda Worked, didn’t Work. Aufgaben, die es in Scrum gibt den einzelnen Rollen zuordnen, This technique gets the initial honest thoughts about the iteration from the scrum team. What is the one wish you would like to ask for your team? The crucial detail about this game is that the question should be framed positively. Hero's Journey Build a team of everyday innovators. Breakout Line 3: … After letting the team share their observations, it’s time to … Describe the ESVP roles to everyone attending the retro meeting. Take three pieces of paper and label them as “Mad”, “Sad”, and “Glad”. The Six Thinking Hats is an efficient technique that uses different points of view to look at decisions. This technique is very much based on lean coffee and enables the team to add items to discuss and be voted on, however, it also enables the team to ad... Papéis e Responsabilidades [Time de produto]. Laura Hillman. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Sprint Retrospective Ideas. Reetro is 100% free online retrospective tool, there’s nothing to lose and a lot to gain. Team members then share their three statements with the rest of the team. With Geekbot you can send a set of retrospective questions to your team members directly in Slack. Opportunity to do a pulse check with the team in light of recent changes. You don’t have to use the same labels every time, so feel free to experiment to keep things fresh. the hero; who is the person or the group going through the journey Increase your team’s engagement by 195%. Colleague Appreciation Board : post your comment to each name below. goReflect is a an online retrospective tool that promotes continuous improvement. Energize the room instantly with this quick and fulfilling team builder. The good things that happened o... At one point or the other, we are all faced with difficult decisions that require taking immediate action. overwhelming? Team members then need to rate every item on the horizontal axis. 341,068 Pointing Poker is a tool that allows you to share online planning poker and retrospective sessions. Give your team its vital voice and more room for opinions, emotions, and experimentation with these easy, fun formats. 110 If you are a remote team and want to have focused and engaging daily standup meetings directly in your Slack, try Geekbot free for 30 days! Agile Retrospective ideas may be gathered individually or as a group using a whiteboard, sticky notes, Google Docs, or a specialized online collaboration tool such as GroupMap. You will find a collection of Agile Retrospectives Ideas. A well-organized retrospective is a big productivity hack for your entire Scrum team. Look forward in hope, Get everyone to enter their ideas and then vote on the top 3. But here’s the catch: two of these statements should be truthful, and one — false. - Communication. Engine - Things that are moving is faster. Felix Felicis! Ideally suited to exploring personal or team transformation. Where you look at Intended Results, Actual Results, What caused results, what we will do the same next time, and wh... Brown bag lunch meeting template to decide cadence, topics, and options for food. Very similar to Mad - Sad - Glad, but a little more focused on the sentiment graduation. What do you think should be our next steps. Generate Insights. It is is based on two very specific questions: What to repeat? Issues such as low trust environment, poor management, and low level of engagement prevent team members from sharing their feedback. The following agile games will help Scrum teams to become more focused, to put previously gathered data to action, and to end retrospective on a positive note. Intuitive tools that recognize and highlight contributions can also help drive the engagement of the remote team. … Home > Business Agility Insights – Thoughts and Ideas > 7 tips for a great online retrospective 7 tips for a great online retrospective Running a retrospective online shouldn’t be … What went well? After the project ends you can read out the letters if the person who wrote it agrees. Definição e alinhamento do time sobre os papéis e responsabilidades de cada membro. Shoppers analyse information and want to learn at least one useful idea during the realtor meeting. This retrospective format is inspired by the series Game of Thrones. This will probably be the shortest chapter, but it should not be missing: To have fun retrospective ideas in remote teams, as you probably know, there are many online tools that were developed for this purpose. In this blog post, I present 9 Deadly Sins Every ScrumMaster Must Avoid in Agile Retrospectives. Or go with animals: what was your slow turtle, your mighty lion, a slimy snake, or a lost puppy. One Question is a great game for ending your retrospectives on a positive note. Create action items. SORT. Ask every team member to write at least one thing for every column, and then group similar issues into clusters. The primary goal of the agile retrospective games that are conducted during the retrospective is to gather as many insights into team performance and struggles as possible for future analysis. Express Yourself is a simple Check-In agile retrospective exercise that aims at visualizing the team´s ideas and helping to gather data early in the team retrospective session. You can track risks with ROAM technique and understand which status your risks are at. We borrowed Zoom professional lines from the Business Agility Institute, ICAgile and from some of the ... Breakout Line 1: To play 2×2, simply draw a two-on-two box and fill every section with an emoji, a symbol, or a word that can describe what team members think about your process. The sandbags and storms are the things holding the project back an... Vamos a generar la restrospectiva del sprint. Neatro. Better known as the Starfish retrospective, this technique was developed by Patrick Kua with the intention of helping teams carrying out a job better ... Thumbs up, Thumbs down, new ideas and recognition. Resurface the most important items in the dot-voting phase. Based on the Goldilocks and the Three Bears fairy tale, this takes a new spin on Start, Stop, Continue. Técnica utilizada no início de um projeto para entender o que um produto é, não é, faz e não faz. Apoio para facilitações remotas de Lean Canvas. The team members can add their input to any quadrant. It is a great way ... Having been started in Seattle in 2009, Lean Coffee is a new format of holding meetings. Things you liked, things you wished went different, thing you still wonder about the team / process, Dinámica para recoger diferentes ideas y generar divergencia. Using a tool that allows every team member to access and add thoughts and ideas in an easy and non-confrontational structure provides an online retrospective a much greater impact. Personal SWOT analysis can be a nice exercise to brainstorm a particular moment in your life and improve yourself. Time saving, intuitive and real time design lets you easily facilitate conversations and focus on actions to take forward. Let’s cover the most effective and fun retrospective games that you can conduct at the beginning, during, and at the end of your retrospectives. Go through each column in turn More, Better, Different, Less and then vote on them. Ante una situación de crisis como la que estamos viviendo, hay diferentes fases para afrontar el duelo y aceptar la situación. This is template help of people to improve your relations in team. Project management. This technique consists of the basic retrospective template (What went well, Things to improve and action items), but it adds an extra column for the ... Sprint Retrospectiva é o rito do Scrum, que tem como objetivo principal promover a melhoria contínua do processo, através de ações definidas pelo time... A technique to analyse team's behavioural and technical changes, challenges, achievements over the sprint. This retrospective technique uses a sailboat as a metaphor for the team. A few discrete columns on speed and quality a few open qualitative columns and one to catch big bold dreams. Team management. Let every employee briefly discuss their attitude towards a retro and assign their feedback to one of the roles. Explorers want to discover new ideas and insights. Create a graph with a horizontal axis depicting workflows or items you want to rate and vertical axis with three predefined labels: Worried, Wondering, or Wow. Home > Retrospectives > 10 Retrospective Games Ideas To Keep Your Retros Fun, Engaging, and Productive. Discutir o que foi bom na sprint, o que podemos melhorar e quais ações devemos fazer para a próxima iteração. “Letter to the future” game helps teams to look beyond the current issues and environment when writing about their performance. Required fields are marked *. Ideas for Remote Retrospectives that Engage. Simple retrospective using a Speed Car metaphor. Avoid group-think and bias. goReflect enables your team to share ideas anytime, anywhere. What could have gone better? This is based on a technique described in Radical Candor, and is designed to facilitate communication and openness about risk-taking. Using a basic after action report. The safety check is an important practice of agile retrospectives. Know more. Based on the story of the three little pigs and their quest for at strong house to live in. After that, discuss the clusters of issues by asking your team the following questions: This graph-like retrospective game allows teams to laser-focus their attention on specific issues. Brainstorm. Take a look on all - Speed / Velocity Are your retrospectives routine? Section is called "Good, bad, better, best" Sign up to our newsletter and stay updated with Geekbot developements, 10 Retrospective Games Ideas To Keep Your Retros Fun, Engaging, and Productive. It should always be about improving the process. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I have been trying these exercises for years and I want to share them with you. Time-saving features … Start by capturing ideas for “What went well?” and then move onto the other three quadrants in order. Simply share with your team the image that explains what SMART goals are and ask team members to propose SMART actions that can improve the team’s performance during the next sprint. Breakout Line 2: Google Jamboard. It’s perfect for scrum masters and other leaders wanting to conduct a Lessons Learned meeting or team-building exercise. Context. Please in... Identificar qué cosas hemos estado haciendo bien, qué cosas tenemos por mejorar y hacer un plan de acción de cómo vamos a mejorar los puntos que ident... Quick retrospective to determine any issues a team might have had and gage the team members mood going into next sprint. The best part is that you can change the format every retrospective to keep your meetings fun and engaging. Why is this retrospective being held? In this stage, you try to discover root causes, patterns, create shared awareness. Create retrospective . You can’t skip your retrospective, as it’s a core piece of most agile approaches. Don’t hesitate to mix them with your workflow or adjust them to your needs. Resources Parabol is a retrospective meeting app for agile teams or anyone interested in creating continuous improvement. Ask all your team members to describe the latest sprint as: For example, one of your team members might jokingly label the latest sprint as “The Fall of the Berlin Wall,” whereas their teammate would rather use the “Mayflower Expedition” comparison. the finished project, or a yearly team offline meeting. Why the retrospective is a critical part of the agile process. People will add items to the first five and then we will brainstorm solutions to the issues. Now is the time when community means more than ever. Website TeamRetro TeamRetro is an enterprise-ready online agile retrospective meeting tool for agile coaches, scrum-masters and teams. Neatro helps your team grow with a selection of useful and industry-proven retrospectives. With goReflect, you can share ideas anytime, anywhere. Take your retrospectives from Good to Great without driving yourself crazy. You don’t need to register and the tool comes with a little “twist”: when you navigate away from the session’s page, the information about your planning or retrospective disappears. - Workflow templates that have been used Product management. Hearsay - What needs to be said. The team should collectively guess which statement is false. Try focusing on the positive outcomes, e.g. New retrospective (Full Agenda) Guess who likes it. In the end you’ll have a visual representation of what your team thinks about every meeting or item on the X axis.For example, seeing the amount of “worried dots” at “Daily” you might notice that the team is largely concerned about daily standups. It's vital to allow enough your team enough time to get to the core of the issues they may be having, generate insights and create actionable items for moving forward. … What are the most prominent issues for you on this board? Imagine your project is a hot-air ballon and there are a couple of forces in place. 9 Deadly Agile Retrospectives AntiPatterns Every ScrumMaster Must Avoid. Fun Retrospective Activity - 2 Truths and a Lie Retrospective Exercise You’ll be able to easily identify obstacles and discuss ideas for improvements that will allow you to move forward unhindered. Please add questions for the Townhall meeting and then vote on them. The following games are designed to elicit the most honest and actionable feedback from participants. O plano de ação se refere a qual direção deve-se tomar. As with all other... Norman Kerth created this technique and retrospectives as well. Cosas que han ido bien, cosas que no han ido del todo bien, ideas, flores. 5 Online Retrospective Tools To Continuously Elevate Your Team Performance Geekbot. EasyRetro is a fun retrospective (‘retro’ for short) tool you can use for your regular sprint session to discuss what went well and what didn’t. Happiness Radar. Avantage et inconvénient (++ à --) sur chaque critère par rapport au scénario étudié. It helps us see a different outlook from the ... Accounts for what the team thought went well, what they learned and benefited from and what we can improve upon, Silent generation for ideas, sorted by perceived urgency. If you are conducting an online retrospective, you can use Trello or online retrospective tools and create three columns with the same names instead. The WWW is a great data gathering activity for retrospectives. In Upside we work with multiple Clients worldwide embracing Agile processes, so we needed a tool that’s easy to connect to and lightweight in operations. In this retrospective, your team will use Harry Potter spells and artifacts to brainstorm and improve. Now, with all the COVID-19 stuff, CoffeeOps-es around the world are going remote, so... Analyze what could go wrong in the next release. 2×2 is both an extremely versatile and engaging game to collect feedback from your team members. Back to Back. Watch closely for the statements that are debated the most as those indicate what issues in your team are the most contradictory and may potentially cause extra friction within the team in the future. During this game every participant reports their attitude towards the retrospective as either Explorer, Shopper, Vacationer, or Prisoner. Depending on the size of your team, schedule at least 60-90 minutes for your retros. For example, teams can evaluate how they conduct meetings or how they foster relationships with outside stakeholders. Your email address will not be published. What will it cover? Set the number of votes for each member and easily track the evolution of the voting phase. The template is based on emoji comment reactions from Facebook. Isto diz respeito em como o time vai se fortalecer entre si, como vai trocar conhecimento, com... Repeat/Avoid is a simple and effective data gathering activity. For example, ask participants to share one thing they improved during the last sprint or ask them to give praise to one of their team members. (What were you pleased with or produced good outcome?) We hope that these retrospective sprint games will help you make your retro meetings more productive and colourful. Closing retrospective on a positive note helps team members to associate retrospectives with positive experiences and frame retros as an improvement-related rather than a problem-oriented discussion. LANGUAGES. And what holiday could be more agile than World Retrospective Day? (In Radical Can... Emergent learning - The Learning Canvas way Tips for Great Retrospectives for Remote Agile Teams: Create a retrospective team agreement. Over 300 employees participated in Miro's remote retrospective during a virtual offsite in 2020. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Among many applications tested, RetroTool worked the best. 110 Similar to lean coffee, but extended with an "epiphanies" column. This board quickly builds understanding of the subtleties of the Scrum roles and responsibilities, End of year Team Retro focused with holiday themes, Speed - Quality - Love - Hate - Learned - Dreams. This retrospective template was inspired by the KonMari method, created by Marie Kondo and described in her book "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying U... Share what you love, want, hate and learn from the iteration phase. One thought per sticky note. 3. All. times . We start with a strong scrum retrospective idea that has its origins … Often the problem with retrospectives is that they are not actionable: people just meet, talk about issues, and leave it at that. Upon further investigation you can learn that the team thinks that daily standups are ineffective and exhaustive, and start looking for a solution. Atividade usada para impulsionar conversas sobre melhorias. Start with a … Save the list for the next retrospective to discuss your progress and execution. Ask participants why they picked a certain event or symbol and you’ll be amazed by the insights that might follow. Our teams were looking for a tool to facilitate online retrospective meetings. Hopes & Concerns. Image with a sailboat dragging an anchor heading towards rocks. ESVP retrospective games are critical for conducting effective retrospectives. One thing that is a must in the agreement is that no person is called out in the retrospective. Sometimes, it’s easier to describe something by telling what this thing is not or ... After discussing the data from Gather Data It is also particularly suitable for a fun online check-in to invite your team to a creative session. No lugar de usar um gráfico e alocar os pontos em quadrantes, faremos por colunas. Fun retrospective ideas for remote teams 3: Retro Tools. The chart works best when compared to charts from previous sessions and used for checking the positive or negative dynamics over time. But, it’s a good thing that your retrospective meeting is … We nat... Mad Sad Glad is an example of an organization tool that is employed by a team in order to encourage discussion of pertinent issues. Posted 26 March, 2020 16 November, 2020 Jennifer Riggins. This technique is used on Agile Inception where the team and the stakeholders get together to rapid alignment on team vision and goals of the project.... Based on this information, what could be some actions to improve? all english portuguese spanish german french CATEGORIES. Schedule enough time. Why wait for the retrospective to share your ideas for improvement with your team? Also it’s a funny and creative way to kickstart your meeting and set everyone at ease. Symbolic Sprint. Vacationers aren’t interested in retrospectives, but like being away from the daily grind. Resources Newspaper Headline Futurespective. With agile retrospective games you can set team members at ease, facilitate deep discussions, and turn insights into actionable steps. The 4 rooms model shows a change of topics throughout a period of time being in a good state and the person is happy about it (contentment). Click on it to learn more and to create your first board. Activities and ideas for making agile retrospectives more engaging. After that put all the SMART actions into one place, group similar actions and prioritise those that your team aims to execute next. Simple 3 column technique "Went well / to improve / action items", but in French. Here’s how it … Don't look back in anger. This technique is the most basic template you can use for your retrospective. Analyse the collected feedback to see how many Explorers, Shoppers, Vacationer, and Prisoners there are in your group. Hang up two flip charts, one headed 'I like' and the other 'I wish'. Note: If you want to run effective scrum retrospectives and daily standups directly through  Slack and keep your level of team collaboration and engagement at an all-time high, try the 30-day trial Geekbot. The goal of the game is to gather feedback from participants and at the same time gauge their feelings about the process. Retrospectives, similarly to any … Use a Structured Format to Analyze Data. The main idea is to pass the common retrospective dynamics like thumbs up and down. Collect anonymous feedback from everyone by distributing slips of paper or using. Click on it to learn more and to create your first board. This game is recommended for more experienced Scrum teams with high levels of trust. Draw a chart and ask your team to indicate how useful and actionable the current retrospective was in terms of finding issues, gathering feedback, and general organization. Stuck for sprint retrospective activities? What if people can learn from their past experiences? Agile Retrospectives Easily run retros with guided facilitation techniques for face-to-face or remote teams. The activity Is – Is not – Does – Does not helps to define a team. The main objective at the end of the retrospective is to come up with an actionable list of items that the team can execute during the next sprint to improve their efficiency. Agile Welly Breakout Rooms Landing Page. RAID stands for Risks, Assumptions, Issues, and Dependencies. And will certainly provide a laugh or two. Explain that you want to collect information on how people view retrospective in the team. Note that you should not share these letters with others at the beginning. Timebox each step of your retrospective meetings with a timer visible to every member in real-time. Properly ending the retrospective is as crucial as starting or conducting it. Personal. 17 Remote Retrospective Ideas. Return of Time Invested is designed to help agile teams to assess whether their retrospectives are productive. The SMART planning aims to help people design improvement plans that can be executed during the next sprint. This “Mad Sad Glad” is probably the most common scrum retrospective game. This technique is inspired by the story of Genie in a bottle. Dot-voting and Timer. the cavern; the c... Start this empathy map by examining the user's (in our case, the talent's) experience and imagine what it is like to be him or her. For example, use four architectural monuments and ask your team members what felt like building a pyramid during the sprint or ended up being your fabulous Taj Mahal. Cluster the notes. Used for project retrospective for team members to share feedback - the good is what went well or worked well, the bad is what didn't go as planned o... Kanban is a simple and great method to track the work being done in a project. One Word. A great ice breaker before the actual retrospective starts is to ask your team to … Your email address will not be published. Retrospective ideas for distributed teams 3: Black Stories – Remote Edition The next of the retrospective ideas for distributed teams will really stimulate creativity. Browse our library of retro ideas, from the classic ‘Happiness Metric’ to the creative ‘Peaks and Valleys retro’ so that teams can learn and develop together. Retrospective games at the beginning of the meeting serve either as an ice breaker or as a way to gauge how the team feels about retrospectives in general. The findings can be later used for cross-checking results with ESVP or during the “Wow, Wondering, Worried” game. of Online retrospectives Effectively run engaging and action focused meetings with your team whether they are remote or co-located. boring? Do retrospectives the wrong way… And your whole team starts feeling that the retrospective is just another mindless meeting that everyone has to get through at the end of the week. What are the things that are Too Cold that we ... Dividir ideias de acordo com seu nível de esforço e impacto. This game allows team members to talk about certain problems indirectly and facilitates less filtered feedback. Sprint retrospectives ideas Here is a list of sprint retrospective ideas and techniques. Let’s dive into the community’s suggestions. Join thousands of teams that use Geekbot to automate retrospectives, standups, surveys, and daily reports. First everyone create cards explaining existing problems, then for each problem they fill the root cause and then fill any possible approach to preven... Rose Bud Thorn is a technique used in Design Thinking to understand what's working, what is not and areas of opportunity. What to avoid? Play around with ideas! I have heard the most positive feedback on Parabol. - Definition of Ready & Definition of Done It's very simple to use and understand. It is extremely easy to learn and to adopt. Prisoners feel forced to attend the meeting and would prefer doing something else. If you see that the majority of your attendees are Prisoners or Vacationers make sure to discuss this with your team before moving on, as there’s no point in discussing team problems when the majority of your team would like to be elsewhere. ESVP (Explorers, Shoppers, Vacationers, Prisoners) is a popular retrospective game that was featured in a widely popular book “Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great” written by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen. Ask participants to write a letter on how they see their team performance in one month or three months. You will need to understand your st... Retrospective on the XXX project, post mortem exercise to discuss all the good things about the project and how to improve for the next one. Safety Check. Awesome - What were the things you liked or thought went well during the sprint? Running... Recurring Retro for larger groups. Things that your team need to keep, things you need to add, things that you need more of and things you need less of. General feeling of purpose increases your team productivity. Participants will highlight wins for the period, what still puzzles them and what can be improved on. Save yourself endless amounts of time: Before-retrospective-meeting, During-retrospective-meeting & After-retrospective-meeting. The 4Ls Retrospective model is an attempt to capture the natural thoughts that team members might have that can lead to continuous improvement. A great ice breaker before the actual retrospective starts is to ask your team to describe the latest sprint using symbolic representations. After they... Whiteboards. The 3Ls: Liked, Learned, Lacked. Do retrospectives the right way and your team will become more effective with every agile sprint. Ask every team member to write at least one card for every section and then analyse their feedback. It is important that everyone feels psychologically safe to share their ideas and concerns. Retrospective. A ideia é mapear com as pessoas o que elas gostaram, o que elas não gostaram e o que elas fariam diferente no próximos ciclo. the guide; the people and things guiding the hero Give the participants 5-10 minutes to silently write down what they liked about the past iteration and the team and what they wish was different (and how it should be different) – one point per sticky note. Fortunately, there’s a way to consistently engage your team members and at the same time ensure you get the most out of every retrospective by having sprint retrospective games. Worked well, kinda Worked, didn’t Work. Every team member comes up with three statements about the team, sprint, or anything you decide relevant to your team performance. Template simple pour Rétro standard Français. This template focuses on gathering feedback on 4 team topics: Here is a list of sprint retrospective ideas and techniques. Our virtual Aginext community brought it today at our monthly virtual lean coffee. 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Whether they are remote or co-located with guided facilitation techniques for face-to-face or teams. If people can learn from their past experiences help of people to /! To do a pulse check with the rest of the... Breakout Line 3 …. Project, or anything you decide relevant to your team to a creative session then analyse their feedback to how..., scrum-masters and teams retro meeting e responsabilidades de cada membro positive negative... Lessons Learned meeting or team-building exercise fun and engaging game to collect information on how they see their team Geekbot. And storms are the things that are Too Cold that we give you the best will!