But, your memories are still here in my heart, still… I thought time heals pain. Wailing, the miss-my-ex-boyfriend-cry! Because your ex was a part of your life, and that experience is part of what shaped you into the person you are today. But I can’t do this! why do i still miss my ex after 2 years almost? There literally feels like there’s a hole in your chest that only he can fill. It's been 3 years since my ex-wife and I divorced and there isn't a day that passes I don't regret the decision we made. After close to a year of walking along with him, there came a point when I no longer felt like we were in sync. Because when you’re feeling desperate, and thinking things like, “I miss my ex girlfriend so much it hurts”, which I believe you are right now, THAT is the first priority – preventing you from fucking up. reply #3. wilmx52. I know that I am not a member of the cool hair club, witty, or handsome. Im missing my Ex girlfriend from a few years back out of nowhere. How abnormal is this, and what else can I do? 14546. Though we can’t fix our broken relationship again into right. No. But I can’t do hate you. How can I stop feeling this way? He is with someone new and we had a definite break at the time so have not been in contact. ElleTinker700. I know she is gone. If you’re having a really hard time, or the break-up is still fresh, therapy can be an excellent resource to help you process your feelings in a healthy way. When someone takes up so much of your life, it’s impossible to get over them in a day or two. The relationship was rocky from the start, he came to me as freight train of charm, love, emotions and desire to be with me. 3. The No-Contact Rule. If I Broke Up With My Ex, Why Do I Still Miss Him? If you have ever been blocked by an ex, I could give you a list of explanations. Why We Think About Our Exes (and Why It's Not a Bad Thing) For one thing, it's not necessarily a sign that you want them back. But somehow you need to find a way to move on. Each time it ended up with her dumping me for another guy or just for sake of being alone. what has my life turn into it seems like a depression stage. Moving on when you’re still in love with your ex Sometimes, when a relationship ends, both of you feel that calling things to a close was the right thing to do. I still think about him and miss him everyday. this is something normal?? I know you can’t help it. Still today I still think about him and my brain keeps replaying all the memories and every time “our” song would come on I would still get sad and empty. I know, you are my ex now. I’m still struggling a lot with it. It's quite normal to miss our ex's sometimes, but it doesn't always mean you should get back together. We were in love. Is this normal? We enjoyed many of the same things. I should forget you. A year after his breakup, one young man explained to me that he would imagine his ex being proud of him when he accomplished a difficult task. Do the right thing and break up with your current boyfriend or girlfriend. She is now remarried and her and her new husband have a 2 year old together. One of the best reasons to tell your ex you miss him is that you don’t want him to change. Has she done efforts to contact you? I’ll explain what’s going on: you two broke up and I suppose it’s she who took the initiative. It’s pretty normal and you can use this to your advantage after a successful No Contact. I’m willing to bet you’re in your own head too much lately and that can skew your perception. Guys, let’s have some real talk here: you miss your ex girlfriend. I have been single since the break up. He and I were together for 6 months. When he smiles I feel like I don’t have to worry about anything. I’m a 31 year-old female. By . I immediately was enmeshed: I let him move in with me within days. I haven't seen or talked to her but I still think about her cause I have nobody else. To date, I have not heard from my ex boyfriend. Instead of jumping into their lives, learn how to cope when your ex has a new girlfriend. About 9 months ago, a 2-year relationship ended. Do you still hear certain music that reminds you of them? Have you heard her? It's just not fair to your new sweetie, and it won't help you get over your ex any more quickly. Still miss my ex and struggling to move on. Love & Relationship; I Miss My Ex-Girlfriend: Ways to Stop Missing Her. What has she done those last 8 months? The reason we broke up is because we got into a huge argument. I thought he was the "ONE". I had a wonderful experience in high school with a great girl. I only mention him when my friends bring him up on occasion (I guess they think I don't love him anymore). She's been dating a guy for a year and a half now. Having trouble getting over your ex?