What advice does Polonius give Laertes before he leaves (identify 3 key points)? That she should be careful to preserve her virtue in her dealings with Hamlet and should not believe all that he tells her. How willing is Ophelia to discuss with her father what she has discussed with Laertes? Though she promises to obey and to remember the advice and demands been given she seems reluctant to recount her beliefs in Hamlet's love for her yet. This seems so materialistic and generalizing to how to survive, but one should continually take in the time period into consideration and understanding. he forbids her from seeing him anymore: What does Hamlet overhear while waiting for the ghost to appear? 9) After Hamlet makes himself known in the graveyard, Laertes jumps out of Ophelia’s grave, and the two begin to fight. Ophelia agrees to keep Laertes advice as a watchman close to her heart but urges him not to give her advice that he does not practice himself. 1) Why does Laertes warn his sister Ophelia not to place too much hope in Hamlet's attentions to her? Laer. He tells her that Hamlet does not intend on marrying her nor can he. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Daughter of Polonius, Hamlets crush 2. Laertes warns Ophelia about Hamlet's affections, and that loving him closely will end in heartache, as his intentions are not serious. • What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? Ophelia enters the room. View Homework Help - 2018 Week 8 Assignments(2) (1).docx from MGMT 210 at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Think it no more. Taking care of Polonius. What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? His primary reason, of course, is that Hamlet will have to choose his wife based upon political or economic expediency because the future king's first love must be his country. I.iii What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? Laertes claims this is exactly the kind of love Hamlet has for her. Polonius enters, and offers Laertes lengthy advice on how to live in Paris; he spouts a string of aphoristic clichés enumerating the shoulds and shouldn'ts of … 2938)? During her funeral, Laertes impulsively and almost irrationally leaps into her grave. a. How seriously do you take Polonius' precepts (1.3.58-80)? ©2021 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Why does Laertes warn his sister Ophelia not to place too much hope in Hamlet’s attentions to her (ll. Consider especially the last one (1.3.78-80). She further displays her discretion when Polonius asks what she was talking about with Laertes, and Ophelia answers, “Something touching the Lord Hamlet” (1.3.96). _____ What does Laertes warn Ophelia against? What do Laertes and Polonius warn Ophelia of in Act I? They are siblings and Laertes is apathetic (indifferent, not-caring) about Ophelia's life choices. What, apparently, has been the Laertes loves his sister, Ophelia, and in act I scene iii of Hamlet by William Shakespeare he warns her about getting too attached to Hamlet. How to solve: What does Laertes warn Ophelia about in Hamlet? Your analysis of the perfume reference is correct, that the scent is sweet for a short time but it does not last. He believes Hamlet will never marry her. a. Horatio b. Hamlet c. Marcellus d. Bernardo 5. Act 1. iii. SURVEY . Polonius' rapid advice given to Laertes right before he leaves is somewhat random advice that should be learned rather than told so briefly. Laertes cautions Ophelia against falling in love with Hamlet, who is, according to Laertes, too far above her to be able to love her honorably. In Act 1 Scene III, in the play “ Hamlet ,” before leaving for the sail Laertes comes to meet his sister Ophelia . 2938)? In Poloniuss house, Laertes prepares to leave for France. It seems that Ophelia and Hamlet have had a seemingly private love … Polonius begins by demanding information about her converstaion and her relationship with Hamlet, to which she attempts vagueness. Ophelia’s intellect is first displayed when she thanks Laertes for his warning her about Hamlet but essentially tells him to worry about himself, clearly showing her ability to think for herself. Laertes basically commands his sister to not take Hamlet's "love" seriously and that he, like all young men, merely want sex, They are siblings and Laertes is quite interested in restricting Ophelia's freedom. Falling in love with Hamlet. falling in love with hamlet: What is Laertes’ main objection to Ophelia’s feelings? 1. Relationship between Ophelia, Hamlet and Laertes In the play Hamlet, from the opening, Shakespeare uses the influence of dialogue to show the noticeable ill-treatment of Ophelia through the arrogant tone and improper speech of her father and brother. That she should be careful to preserve her virtue in her dealings with Hamlet and should not believe all that he tells her. Claudius's position as king. What is the importance of the gravedigger scene in the story of. They seemed founded on his own experience, and while partly admiring their worldly wisdom, she felt … Why does Laertes warn Ophelia not to fall in love with Hamlet? Becoming a nun c. Disobeying her father d. Falling behind in her domestic duties 4. This strategy of a metaphor characterizes Laertes as someone who thinks of the future and is wise and logical. They are armed and aggressive, they demand Laertes to be made king. Laertes goes on to give a few specifics about the apparently hot-blooded Hamlet who has been spending time with, and no doubt speaking words of love to, Ophelia. Immediately in the clip, Ophelia is seen with brightly painted nails and in what seems to be a much modernized library with Laertes. Why does Laertes warn Ophelia not to fall in love with Hamlet? Interestingly, Laertes never promises to follow any of his father's advice, but does make Ophelia promise to follow his. That Claudius has had King Hamlet poisoned. One of them would have made his point; however, he offers one after the other, adding some weight to his argument and, he hopes, impressing his point home to Ophelia. Laertes calls Hamlet's "favor" to Ophelia "trifling," and warns her that it is like a violet, early to appear in the spring, and early to die. When Laertes says this advice to Ophelia it gives her the picture that because Hamlet cannot love her, she should not become attached, for if she does, she will become warned down and tired. Also, that he might not care about Ophelia. Q. Ophelia says to Laertes, “…my dear brother, don’t be like a bad priest who fails to practice what he preaches, showing me the steep and narrow way to heaven while you frolic on the primrose path of sin.” She is telling Laertes to: Falling in love with Hamlet b. When Polonius learns of the affections form Hamlet to his daughter he aggressively informs her about how naivve and ignorant she is behaving. Whether he is right or wrong about Hamlet's feelings for Ophelia, his intentions seem admirable--or at least more admirable than his father's. Polonius continues to sound off many lines about what Laertes should act like in order to succeed in France, and lastly informs Laretes about how the France show their social status purely by their clothing, and as such, he should choose his apparel with much though. Asked by Paige P #469392 on 10/8/2015 4:59 PM Last updated by Aslan on 10/8/2015 5:54 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. He believes Hamlet loves another. 1 of 5. The scales are broken. Laertes is making four specific comparisons, things Ophelia would understand, to demonstrate how fleeting Hamlet's love for her is. How willing is Ophelia to discuss with her father what she has discussed with Laertes? Laertes loves his sister, Ophelia, and in act I scene iii of Hamlet by William Shakespeare he warns her about getting too attached to Hamlet. A "toy in blood" is just a passing fancy or feeling, something that is here one day and gone the next--much like the fashion imagery. Perhaps he loves you now, And now no soil nor cautel doth besmirch The virtue of his will; but you must fear, His greatness weighed, his will is not his own, For he himself is subject to his birth. Not to come visit him in France, she will be too busy having babies with Hamlet. Perhaps he has seen them together or heard of their relationship, but in any case he is interested in protecting his sister's heart and, later in his speech, her chastity. What do Polonius and Laertes warn Ophelia about in act I of Hamlet? He intends to avenge the death of his father. Answered by Aslan on 10/8/2015 5:54 PM He tells her that, "Lord Hamlet is a prince out of thy star. - When they begin to fight, Hamlet warns Laertes that if pushed enough Hamlet will attack with full force. Listen more talk less b.. Be friendly but not too friendly C. spend money on good clothes 4. Ophelia begins passing out invisible flowers —she gives out rosemary, pansies, fennel, and daisies, but states that all her violets withered with the death of her father. Laertes / l eɪ ˈ ɜːr t iː z / is a character in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.Laertes is the son of Polonius and the brother of Ophelia.In the final scene, he mortally wounds Hamlet with a poisoned sword to avenge the deaths of his father and sister, for which he blamed Hamlet. Not to come visit him in France, she will be too busy having babies with Hamlet. Also, that he might not care about Ophelia. Hamlet is Royalty and he doesn't have to behave like everyone else. Q12. He tells her that Hamlet is using her and this relationship won’t last long. What do Polonius and Laertes warn Ophelia about in act I of Hamlet? What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? Why does Laertes warn his sister Ophelia? What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? Answer (1 of 1): Before leaving Denmark, Laertes advises his sister Ophelia not to take Hamlet's advances too seriously. Q. Tags: Question 27 . Not to listen to her father Polonius. Relationship between Ophelia, Hamlet and Laertes In the play Hamlet, from the opening, Shakespeare uses the influence of dialogue to show the noticeable ill-treatment of Ophelia through the arrogant tone and improper speech of her father and brother. He advises Ophelia to keep her virginity or "maidenhead" by ignoring Hamlet's attentions. What, apparently, has been the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia since his return from Wittenberg? Hamlet. hamlet has obligations with his country • What does Polonius say about Ophelia's relationship with Hamlet? Ophelia seems dutiful but reluctant in her dicussion with her father about her preivous converstaion with Laertes. Top subjects are Literature, Social Sciences, and History. Q11. He accepts that Hamlet may well have feelings for her, but reminds her that, being a prince, Hamlet can't marry whoever he chooses; he has to marry for the good of the state. 9) After Hamlet makes himself known in the graveyard, Laertes jumps … He is simply agreeing with her, but it Laertes, Polonius, and Ophelia are a family of protecting Ophelia throughout, and it would seem that Polonius is very strict with how Ophelia's reputaion and honor might be affected. The specific lines of warning you mention, as written by Shakespeare, are these: Though Shakespeare writes in English, he uses poetic, seventeenth-century English as well as some complex or contemporary (familiar at the time of the writing) imagery. 1)Laertes tells Ophelia to stay away from Hamlet and that he doesn't really love her. I believe Ophelia is characterized as a young and immature woman. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. Laertes wants Claudius to bring his father back to life. How seriously should she take their warnings about Hamlet's lack of seriousness and his inability to choose his own wife? Laertes warns Ophelia about Hamlet's affections, and that loving him closely will end in heartache, as his intentions are not serious. Choose the correct answer: That Gertrude is jealous of her beauty and will try to have her removed from court. What is "in" today can be "out" tomorrow, and if not tomorrow, the next day for sure (figuratively speaking, of course). Why didn't Hamlet kill Claudius when he had the chance at the end of act 3, scene 3? 3. 2. falling in love with Hamlet • What is Laertes' main objection to Ophelia's feelings? What sort of people are they? Hamlet. - Laertes jumps into Ophelia’s grave after being reminded by the Queen’s words on Hamlet, and out of frustration speaks by telling Ophelia she must raise herself above others after the way she was treated. Don’t fall for Hamlet. Q12. The first comparison is to fashion and style, something all women understand. Laertes listens to Ophelia’s troubling songs, noting that her madness says more about the depths of her grief than sane words ever could. I absolutely agree with that Polonius' family does have something in common with their counterparts, the royal of family of Denmark. He tells her that Hamlet is using her and this relationship won’t last long. In turn, Ophelia responds by insisting that Hamlet is an honorable and truthful man in his communicated affections. What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? He warns her to be stay away from Hamlet. 2. Act 1. iii. A) What does Hamlet warn as they begin to fight? Laertes's advice to Ophelia, 1.3.13-48. Firstly, I firmly agree with that Polonius-Ophelia-Laertes family is an important aspect in the play. why does Laertes not want Ophelia to date Hamlet? Ophelia, daughter of Polonius and love interest of Prince Hamlet, helps her brother Laertes prepare for his impending journey to France. hamlet has obligations to his country: What does Polonius say about Ophelia’s relationship with Hamlet? Consider especially the last one (1.3.78-80). Laertes warns Ophelia not to expect to marry Hamlet because a prince cannot marry for love. On the other hand, Ophelia, Laertes' sister, is portrayed as a weak figure as she relies on the guidance of a "stronger" man to progress through life and is mostly inactive in her responses. Ophelia jokingly chides her brother to be careful lest he be one of those "libertines" who "recks not his own rede" (does not take his own advice). Preciate it! answer choices . As Laertes prepares to leave, he asks his sister to send letters so they keep in touch (1.3.1-4) Laertes also reveals that Hamlet has recently been showing affection for Ophelia - Laertes tells his sister to consider Hamlet’s advances as merely light, flirty actions and not as intentions of true love (1.3.6-48) he forbids her from seeing him anymore: What does Hamlet overhear while waiting for the ghost to appear? What, apparently, has been the relationship between Hamlet and Ophelia since his return from Wittenberg? In the consciousness of her own innocence and in ignorance of the evils of the world, Ophelia listened patiently to her brother's words of caution and of prudence. Laertes reassu… eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. It is an interesting thing to consider what prompts Laertes to speak this warning to Ophelia. What does Laertes warn Ophelia about? The character of Ophelia has fascinated directors, actresses, writers and painters since she first appeared on stage. Ophelia jokingly chides her brother to be careful lest he be one of those "libertines" who "recks not his own rede" (does not take his own advice). a. B) What does Hamlet say about Ophelia to Laertes? 2) What does Laertes say must govern Hamlet's marriage choice? This adds a humorous view of a very seriously written scene. 2.How seriously do you take Polonius's precepts? Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. In Act 1 Scene III, in the play “Hamlet,” before leaving for the sail Laertes comes to meet his sister Ophelia. Ironically, Ophelia when is mad seems more rational and naked of social codes, probably as a way of saying that ignorance is truly the road to happiness.The death of Ophelia drowned in a pool of water after she falls from a tree triggers the tragedy in the play. 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